November 8, 2024
Fairmount Technologies is excited to announce that XtruJog has been selected as one of five finalists for the 2024 DoD Maintenance Innovation Challenge (MIC). MIC applicants submitted tech briefs on maintenance-focused technologies that were then judged on categories such as maintenance relevance/impact, originality/contribution to the state-of-the-art, avoidance of commercialism, technical maturity, cross-service applicability, and feasibility/practicality.
For this year’s MIC, the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG) principals chose XtruJog (XJ) as one of the top five entries from among 77 submissions. A team from FT will exhibit XJ at the 2024 DoD Maintenance Symposium in Salt Lake City, UT, December 10-13, 2024, Booth 104 and present XJ to a panel of DoD senior sustainment and maintenance leaders at the DoD Maintenance Innovation Challenge Final.
FT shares this success with DoD customer teams that are sponsoring and guiding the productionization of their XTRU suite of machines and are pulling the technology through SBIR phase 3 transition. FT thanks the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) for the opportunity to work with them.
Find the full list of the 2024 DoD MIC finalists here: